
A letter to myself

Someone is turning seventeen today.

You’re not mature enough, you just turned into new age which you can finally get an identity card.

You still have less than one year left to spend your high school life, please spend it really well.

Do your best. Do all the school stuffs as good as you can. Do what you love and never give a fuck what people say.

Please be a useful and kind person. Don’t be a pathetic person and don’t let people look you down. And please don’t be such a sensitive person and let yourself to enjoy a joke. Don’t get angry easily. Don’t mind people’s business.

Keep it on your mind that you are not the only one who have such a big problem in this world, so you can’t give up on your life easily, and do something without complaining. You have to believe that Allah always in our side and will not let you down.
Save your money. But please do not forget to charity. No matter how much it is. Just do it. Will you?
And the most important point is, please always be a grateful person to all of the things you have got even it the smallest one.

Please always remember Allah wherever you are and whenever it is and don’t forget to pray.

Let’s study hard so you can reach what do you want to get especially about your dream to study abroad which is underestimated by some people, and you wont regret anything. Don’t you want to earn your own money? Please don’t be lazy. Show to those people who underestimate you that you can! And you will throw the words back to the ones who ever hurt you. Let’s rock the world!

Please be an honest person.

Make your parents proud of you and make them feel that they have raised their children well and if  someday you live on your own don’t forget to always tell your parents what you are doing. 

It’s more like a random self reminder.

Before the next day start, once again, happy birthday to me.