
A Quick post

Once in a morning, a friend of mine sent me pictures. The fact that she didn’t know why she sent it to me, it’s just like I was the one who she remembered when she saw those pictures, kinda touched me. Sorry guys if you think I’m just overreacting. I get touched easily, so yeah this kind of little thing would warm me although I didn’t show it.

It’s like a perfect timing she sent me it before I start my day.

A reminder.

Anothe picture is Dzikir that would help me

Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Betul. Kita harus percaya, bahwa masih ada Allah saat kita sedih. Harus kuat, karena dimanapun kita berada, masalah apapun yang terjadi pada kita, ya baiknya ingatlah Allah... :)
