
Two days to boost myself

Guess what? I'm back using this blogspot lol. I found that I'm already comfortable with this blogspot and couldn't stand myself using tumblr for sharing my daily life. Tumblr suits my trash words (sorry Tumblr!) I mean, Tumblr is great to share kind of poems, my fiction story and other short words. Meanwhile blogspot is better to share a long story, so that's why I come back to this blog hehe (It's only my own opinion of course)

so back to the topic.

First of all, if you are reading this, don't be suprised if you found that I'm writing about you.  It means I was glad to meet you, had a fun time, and I think I have to write something about you. It's just what I do.

So on november 10-11 I followed a kind of program (or event? Help I can’t find the right word) to boost myself. Before I decided to go, I had to argue with my own self whether I should go or not because none of my friends would be there and then I thought again that, that’s the point! You need to meet new people. And I have to spend this gap year with something positive. It would be the most stupid decision if I didn’t go just because I had no one that I know there. So yeah I did attend.

My main purpose to participate is to meet new people because I believe those who also participate are people with good vibes. And I was glad I made a right decision.

The program limits the quota by the way. There are only 29 of us (If I’m not mistaken), but it’s supposed to be 30 (and that one who didn't come supposed to be one of my roomates). They came from different background. There are ones who are struggling with their thesis, of course there are also those who are still active college students, and there's one who has graduated. I don’t know if I’m the youngest or not because there’s a girl who graduated from high school in the same year as me. What makes it different is, she already went to college, while I’m taking a gap year. At the first, I was afraid I would be judged, but in fact they didn’t. Instead, they made me comfortable. Even there are words that came from a mentor which made me more confident, boost my spirit, and made me didn’t regret for taking gap year and some of them also gave me prayer so I could pass the test next year. AAMIIN.

I learned a lot of new things and got to know many things that I did in the past were incorrect and being guided to made the right ones. With them—the mentors especially (again, I don’t know this is the right word or not but let me call you this way ;_;) and participants—whose experiences are great made me insecure and felt smaller yet gave me a bunch of spirits to create good things in the next! And to become more confident (I really need to apply this one)

Also to my three roomates which are older than me! Nonetheless, I felt comfortable and got along well with them (thank God). We shared stories and I was so happy that they had so many fun experiences and life story to be shared. I got new things and insight from listening to their story. It’s more like boosting my spirit instead of myself lol.

The important thing I got from this is gaining my experiences. Meeting good new people is something that you need, to know that yourself need to learn more from others, to give you a high optimism that you're not alone on chasing dreams, to make you think positively that you can reach your dreams, to make yourself to be better person by learning from others, to make you to be yourself.

All experiences and dreams they have had brought me postivie vibes to me, to chase my own dreams. Like I can’t wait to improve and explore myself more and become great like them. Aamiin.

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